These Are The People In Your Neighborhood | the first 16 years of Gallery 16
I produced this monograph to document the first sixteen years of my gallery and print workshop, Gallery 16. These Are The People In Your Neighborhood celebrates and chronicles the artists, writers and musicians that contributed to Gallery 16 projects.
Artist include:
Elliot Anderson, Bill Berkson, Libby Black, Rebeca Bollinger, Ann Chamberlain, Adriane Colburn, Lowell Darling, Lauren Davies, Amy Ellingson, Emigre, Harrell Fletcher, Amy Franceschini, Michelle Grabner, Mark Grotjahn, Maya Hayuk, Cliff Hengst, Arturo Herrera, Lynn Hershman, Scott Hewicker, Jim Isermann, Colter Jacobsen, Xylor Jane, William Kentridge, Margaret Kilgallen, Brad Killam, Charles Linder, Adam Lowe, Kara Maria, Martin McMurray, Tucker Nichols, Shaun O'Dell, Geof Oppenheimer, Deborah Oropallo, Gay Outlaw, Rex Ray, Phil Ross, Carol Selter, Paul Sietsema, Alice Shaw, Sonny Smith, Wayne Smith, Darren Waterston, Griff Williams, and Alex Zecca.
Essays by: Glen Helfand, Maria Porges and Mark Van Proyen
Text by Griff Williams. Designed by Griff Williams and Troy Peters.